Ghost commerce: The Complete guide to starting a ghost business

Ghost commerce: The Complete guide to starting a ghost business

What is Ghost Commerce?

Ghost commerce is a business model that allows entrepreneurs to sell products and services online without having a physical inventory or storefront. This type of commerce is often referred to as “invisible commerce” or “shadow commerce” because the businesses that engage in it are often invisible to the public eye.

There are a few different ways to participate in ghost commerce. One way is to use a dropshipping model. With dropshipping, the entrepreneur does not own any inventory. Instead, they partner with a supplier who ships the products directly to the customer. The entrepreneur simply handles the marketing and sales.

Another way to participate in ghost commerce is to sell digital products. This could include things like ebooks, software, or online courses. Digital products can be easily delivered to customers without the need for a physical inventory.

Ghost commerce can also be used to sell services. This could include things like consulting, coaching, or web design. Services can be delivered online or over the phone, so there is no need for a physical location.

Benefits of Ghost Commerce

There are several benefits to using ghost commerce. One benefit is that it can be a low-cost way to start a business. Entrepreneurs do not need to invest in inventory or rent a physical storefront. This can save them a lot of money, especially if they are just starting out.

Another benefit of ghost commerce is that it can be a scalable business model. Entrepreneurs can easily grow their business by adding more products or services, or by expanding into new markets.

Finally, ghost commerce can be a great way to reach a global audience. With an online presence, entrepreneurs can sell their products and services to customers all over the world.

Challenges of Ghost Commerce

There are also some challenges associated with ghost commerce. One challenge is that it can be difficult to build trust with customers. Since the business does not have a physical presence, customers may be hesitant to make a purchase.

Another challenge is that ghost commerce can be competitive. There are many other entrepreneurs who are using this business model. This means that entrepreneurs need to find ways to differentiate themselves and stand out from the competition.

Examples of Ghost Commerce Businesses

Some examples of ghost commerce businesses include:

Fashion brands: Many fashion brands now sell their products exclusively online. This allows them to save on rent and other overhead costs.

Subscription boxes: Subscription boxes are a popular way to deliver products to customers on a regular basis. This is a great way for entrepreneurs to sell products without having to worry about inventory.

Digital products: There are many entrepreneurs who sell digital products, such as ebooks, software, and online courses. This is a great way to sell products that can be easily delivered to customers online.

Services: There are many entrepreneurs who sell services, such as consulting, coaching, and web design. These services can be delivered online or over the phone, so there is no need for a physical location.

The Future of Ghost Commerce

Ghost commerce is a relatively new business model, but it is growing rapidly. This is due to the many benefits that this model offers to entrepreneurs. As more and more people shop online, ghost commerce is likely to become even more popular in the future.

Is Ghost commerce the same as e commerce?

No, ghost commerce is not the same as e-commerce. E-commerce is a broader term that refers to any business that sells products or services online. Ghost commerce is a specific type of e-commerce that involves businesses that do not have a physical presence.

Here are some of the key differences between ghost commerce and e-commerce:

Physical presence: Ghost commerce businesses do not have a physical presence, such as a retail store or office. E-commerce businesses, on the other hand, may have a physical presence, but they also sell products or services online.

Inventory: Ghost commerce businesses do not own any inventory. They typically partner with a third-party supplier who ships the products directly to the customer. E-commerce businesses, on the other hand, may own their own inventory or they may partner with a third-party supplier.

Marketing: Ghost commerce businesses typically rely on online marketing channels, such as social media and search engine optimization (SEO). E-commerce businesses may also use these channels, but they may also use traditional marketing channels, such as print advertising and television commercials.

Customer service: Ghost commerce businesses typically offer limited customer service. They may only offer email support or they may not offer any customer service at all. E-commerce businesses, on the other hand, typically offer more comprehensive customer service, such as phone support and live chat.

In general, ghost commerce is a more cost-effective and scalable way to start an e-commerce business. However, it is important to note that ghost commerce businesses may have difficulty building trust with customersand they may not be able to offer the same level of customer service as e-commerce businesses with a physical presence.

Ultimately, the best way to decide whether to start a ghost commerce business or an e-commerce business depends on your specific business goals and needs.

How can I set up a successful ghost commerce website?

Here are some tips on how to set up a successful ghost commerce website:

Choose a niche: The first step is to choose a niche for your business. This could be anything from clothing to electronics to home goods. Once you have chosen a niche, you can start to research the market and find suppliers.

Find a dropshipping supplier: A dropshipping supplier is a company that will ship products directly to your customers on your behalf. This is a great way to start a ghost commerce business because you don’t need to worry about storing or shipping products yourself.

Set up your website: You can use a content management system (CMS) like Ghost to create your website. Ghost is a great option for ghost commerce businesses because it is easy to use and it has a number of features that are specifically designed for e-commerce businesses.

Design your website: The design of your website is important because it will be the first thing that customers see. Make sure your website is visually appealing and easy to navigate.

Add products: Once you have set up your website, you can start adding products. Make sure to choose products that are high-quality and that you are confident in selling.

Set your prices: You need to set your prices competitively in order to attract customers. You also need to factor in the cost of shipping and other expenses.

Market your website: Once your website is up and running, you need to start marketing it. You can use social media, search engine optimization (SEO), and other marketing channels to reach potential customers.

Provide good customer service: It is important to provide good customer service to your customers. This will help you build trust and loyalty.

Track your results: It is important to track the results of your marketing campaigns so that you can see what is working and what is not. This will help you optimize your marketing efforts and improve your results.

Following these tips will help you set up a successful ghost commerce website. However, it is important to remember that there is no guarantee of success. You will need to work hard and be persistent in order to achieve your goals.

Here are some additional tips that you may find helpful:

Make sure your website is mobile-friendly. More and more people are shopping online using their mobile devices.

Use high-quality images and videos to showcase your products.

Write clear and concise descriptions of your products.

Offer a variety of payment options to make it easy for customers to buy from you.

Offer free shipping or other incentives to encourage customers to make a purchase.

Respond to customer inquiries promptly and professionally.

Keep your website up-to-date with new products and promotions.

What are the common mistakes that ghost commerce businesses make?

Here are some of the common mistakes that ghost commerce businesses make:

Not choosing the right niche: Choosing the right niche is essential for any business, but it is especially important for ghost commerce businesses. If you choose a niche that is too competitive or that does not have enough demand, you will have difficulty making sales.

Not doing enough research: It is important to do your research before you start a ghost commerce business. This includes researching your target market, your competitors, and the dropshipping suppliers that you will be working with.

Not having a good website: Your website is your storefront, so it is important to make sure it is well-designed and easy to use. You should also make sure your website is secure and that it protects your customers’ data.

Not marketing your business: You cannot expect to succeed if you do not market your business. You need to use a variety of marketing channels to reach your target market.

Not providing good customer service: Customer service is essential for any business, but it is especially important for ghost commerce businesses. If you do not provide good customer service, you will quickly lose customers.

Not tracking your results: It is important to track your results so that you can see what is working and what is not. This will help you optimize your marketing efforts and improve your results.

By avoiding these mistakes, you can increase your chances of success with your ghost commerce business.

Here are some additional tips to help you avoid these mistakes:

Do your research: Before you start a ghost commerce business, it is important to do your research and understand the risks involved. This includes researching the market, your competitors, and the dropshipping suppliers that you will be working with.

Get help from experts: If you are not familiar with e-commerce or ghost commerce, it is a good idea to get help from experts. There are many resources available to help you, such as books, courses, and online forums.

Start small: It is a good idea to start small when you are first starting out. This will help you minimize your risks and learn from your mistakes.

Be patient: It takes time to build a successful ghost commerce business. Do not expect to become an overnight success.

By following these tips, you can increase your chances of success with your ghost commerce business.


Ghost commerce is a growing business model that offers several benefits to entrepreneurs. However, there are also some challenges associated with this model. Entrepreneurs who are considering using ghost commerce should carefully weigh the pros and cons before making a decision.

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